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Discover Total Health by Dealing With the ‘3 Ts': Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins

woman feeling sickYou may think of stress as that nagging to-do list that only seems to get longer or a boss who makes unreasonable demands. But stress goes far beyond those common examples. At Three Fold Chiropractic & Wellness, we teach our patients about the “3 Ts,” which are thoughts, traumas, and toxins.

Thoughts refer to your psychological or mental stress, traumas are physical stresses, and toxins are chemical stresses, such as what you eat, drink, and breathe.

The Effects of Cortisol Imbalance

Each of these stressors elevates your cortisol level. Cortisol is your stress hormone and vital to your overall health. But it’s not meant to be elevated all the time! And when it is, the result is inflammation that runs rampant throughout your body. Many of us are so used to our heightened stress level that we think it’s normal. But all that inflammation can lead to subluxation or immobility in your spine, which in turn affects your nervous system function … which in turn affects the health and function of every organ and system in your body.

All these things make you less mobile, and movement is the key to energy flow.

Empowering You to Achieve Better Health

Many people believe that they can’t do anything about the stressors in their lives—and that’s where we come in. In addition to locating and addressing the specific subluxations impacting your health, we focus on education to help patients set goals that align with their core values.

When patients awaken to where their minds and hearts are, the possibilities are limitless! We take care of the physical misalignments and give you the education, tools, and encouragement to fix the misalignments in your life that allow stress to take control.

The first step is understanding that physical pain relief is only one piece of the puzzle. Once we get you out of pain, our goal is to help you move toward a life of true health and optimal wellness.

Reclaim Your Well-being and Life

You don’t have to settle for so-so health. Contact us today and take the first step on your journey to a life not controlled by the 3Ts!

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